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Mat protecting from weeds

DuPont TM Plantex® is a modern non-woven polypropylene geotextile enabling an ecological solution to the problem of weeding. The geotextile effectively protects against weeds without the need of chemicals.


  • High permeability: approx. 165 l/m² /s
  • Enables earth breathing
  • Resistant to the operation of roots owing to a welded structure
  • Resistant to tearing
  • Maintains its properties for over 20 years when covered with a layer of bark or gravel

Technical Data

Technical DataStandard normValue
Surface massEN 96568 g/m2
Thickness under pressure - 2kN/m²EN 964-10,35 mm
Tensile strength MDEN ISO 29073-3150 N / 5 cm
Elongation at maximal load MDmEN ISO 29073-3>30 %
Tensile strength XDEN ISO 29073-3120 N / 5 cm
Elongation at maximal load XDEN ISO 29073-3>34 %
Tearing strength MDASTM D4533160 N
Tearing strength XDASTM D4533160 N
Filtration opening (O90)EN ISO 12956225 μm


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