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Very strong mat protecting from weeds

DuPont™ Plantex® GOLD is an esthetic two-colour non-woven polypropylene textile used for weeding, ensuring a long term highly effective and chemically free protection, even against weeds which are difficult to eliminate, such as couch grass, horsetail or bindweed. This modern fabric passes air, water and nutrients, keeping the weeds under the earth and letting the soil and plant roots breathe.


  • No need for the use of chemicals
  • Perfect protection even from hard-to-kill weeds
  • Enables air, water and nutrient permeability into the soil and plant roots
  • Very strong and easy to mount
  • Increases the amount and quality of the crops
  • Gives a natural look to the landscape

Technical Data

Technical DataStandard normValue
Surface massEN 965125 g/m2
Thickness under pressure - 2kN/m2EN 964-10,39 mm
Tensile strengthEN ISO 103197,8 kN/m
Elongation at maximal loadEN ISO 10319>60 %
Energy absorptionEN ISO 103194,0 kJ/m2
Breakdown CBREN ISO 12236>1050 N
Dynamic breakdownEN 91827 mm
Tearing strengthASTM D4533300 N
Filtration opening (O90)EN ISO 129560,125 mm
Permeability VIH50EN ISO 1105860 mm/s


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